TheseKnivesOnly: Sniping Adventures in Modern Warfare 3

Join TheseKnivesOnly as he dominates the new snipers only mode in Modern Warfare 3 and even manages to drop a nuke!

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Griot the NPC

Welcome back to another video on the channel! TheseKnivesOnly takes on the new snipers only mode in Modern Warfare 3. In this mode, snipers are the only weapon type allowed, and TheseKnivesOnly is ready to show off his skills. He takes on domination and team deathmatch, showcasing his sniping abilities and even managing to drop a nuke. Check out the video below to see all the action!

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Key Takeaways:

  • TheseKnivesOnly dominates the snipers only mode in Modern Warfare 3
  • He showcases his sniping skills in domination and team deathmatch
  • TheseKnivesOnly manages to drop a nuke during his gameplay

Sniping in Modern Warfare 3

TheseKnivesOnly admits that he hasn’t sniped much in Modern Warfare 3, but he’s ready to give it a go in the snipers only mode. He mentions that snipers are the only weapon type allowed in this mode, and he’s excited to show off his skills. Despite not being a quickscoper, TheseKnivesOnly plans to dominate the game with his hard scoping abilities.

The Gameplay

Throughout the video, TheseKnivesOnly showcases his sniping gameplay in various matches. He starts off by running around and punching enemies, as there seems to be a glitch with the knife not appearing in this mode. He then switches to sniping and begins picking off enemies with precision. He manages to go on several kill streaks, including a quad feed and eventually drops a nuke.

Thoughts on the Mode

TheseKnivesOnly shares his thoughts on the snipers only mode in Modern Warfare 3. He mentions that while it can be fun to mess around with snipers, it can also get repetitive after a while. He suggests that it might be better suited for smaller maps like Scrapyard. Overall, he enjoys sniping in the game and finds it to be a viable option.