The Worst Skins in Brawl Stars – Community Picks

Discover which skins Brawl Stars players despise the most as Reddit users share their thoughts.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the most despised skins in Brawl Stars? Reddit users have plenty to say on the matter, with a variety of opinions ranging from playful critiques to more serious analysis.


  • Community members voice their dislike for various skins in Brawl Stars.
  • Players mention skins like Beach Time Mortis, Caveman Frank, and Poop Spike as their least favorite.
  • Some criticize the lack of value or design creativity in certain skins.

Beach Time Mortis: Hit or Miss?

When someone shows up with a Beach Time Mortis skin on your team, you might already be feeling the pain of an impending defeat. This skin has drawn criticism for being a questionable choice, but does fun outweigh effectiveness in the eyes of the community?

Unappealing Design: Caveman Frank and Poop Spike

Players point out skins like Caveman Frank and Poop Spike as lacking in creativity or appeal. While each player’s taste varies, some skins seem to miss the mark entirely in terms of design and execution.

Critiques Beyond Aesthetics

Some users delve deeper into their critiques by highlighting the lack of special attacks or value for certain skins. The concept might be promising, but if the execution falls short, players are quick to voice their disappointment.