The Witness and The Circle: Predictions for Destiny 2’s Future Raid Name

Exploring possible names for the upcoming TFS raid in Destiny 2. What will players face in this exciting new challenge?

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the speculations surrounding the name of the future raid in Destiny 2. Players are buzzing with theories and ideas about the potential encounters and themes.


  • Players are contemplating names related to grand themes such as finals, destines, and cosmic entities.
  • Acronyms and wordplay feature prominently in users’ suggestions, adding a hint of humor.
  • Speculations range from serious and epic names to comical and quirky suggestions.

Finality and Cosmic Entities

Users like “EspadaOU81” are musing over epic names like “Finality,” reflecting the gravity of the final encounter with the Witness and disciples.

Acronyms and Humor

Names like “Vault of Gods” by “skywarka” playfully introduce annoying acronyms, adding a fun twist to the naming process.

Comical Suggestions

“Lord-Saladman” takes a humorous approach with the suggestion “Boop stoop here comes the gloop,” showcasing the community’s lighthearted side.