The Unyielding Popularity of Overwatch 2: Still Tops the Play Charts on PS5 and XBOX

Overwatch 2 remains a widely played game on PS5 and XBOX, sparking conversations among gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the dynamic world of gaming, Overwatch 2 stands out as a consistent favorite, holding its position in the top 20 most played games on both PS5 and XBOX platforms.


  • Rumors of Overwatch 2’s demise greatly exaggerated
  • Potent blend of gameplay and potential sustains player base
  • Financial models and update frequency raise questions among players
  • Loyal community reflects the strength of the game’s design

A Game That Refuses to Wane

Contrary to reports of its fading popularity, “Overwatch 2 still has a strong player base,” asserts commenter AlanDjayce. Indeed, the very fact that it managed to retain its player base despite a year without updates is commendable and a testament to the game’s enduring appeal.

The Potential Vs. The Reality

A popular sentiment among players is that Overwatch 2 has more to deliver. BrazzersSub goes as far to suggest that it could consistently be a top 5 game if not for its ‘profit-motivated practices’ and self-inflicted limitations.

Not Dead, Just Misunderstood?

The false narrative of ‘the game dying’ was debunked by multiple comments. EarthDragon2189 displayed confusion about the recurring ‘dead game’ sentiments held by some. A more direct stance was taken by Hungoverhero, who strongly defended the game from naysayers.

The Influence of Console Game Selection

Interestingly, commenter PKisSz suggests the game’s popular status is more a statement on the current console game selection rather than Overwatch 2’s success. A clear reflection on the current state of the broader gaming market.

In the final reckoning, Overwatch 2 is a luminary in the gaming world, with a captivating gameplay formula that hooks players and enables the title to consistently occupy a spot on the leaderboards. The durability of its player base, amidst both updates and criticisms, is a reflection of the game’s remarkable and enduring appeal.