The Unsaid Vocabulary of ‘Overwatch’ Junker Queen: A Reddit Exchange Analysis

An exploration into why 'Overwatch' character Junker Queen doesn't get to swear.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a community-driven conversation about Overwatch, a heated debate has emerged on Junker Queen’s voice lines. Champion of the post-apocalyptic Junkertown, why doesn’t she swear?


  • The Overwatch community has brought up an interesting query centered around the character’s language choices.
  • The public has compared Junker Queen’s vernacular with other game characters that tend to employ harsher language.
  • The discourse also draws parallels between Overwatch’s ‘family-friendly’ image and the imposed language restrictions.

Junker Queen’s Clean Vocabulary: A Community Perspective

Examining the post, original author Drunken_Queen emphasizes the contrast between Junker Queen’s language and other video game characters, particularly those from TF2 and Payday 2. One of the comments by Gadgetbot highlights the cultural differences that could impact the choice of vocabulary and the possible need to appeal to a wider, more age-diverse audience.

Trapped in a PG-13 Vocal Range

krilltucky pitches in to suggest that Overwatch’s drive to be as ‘family-friendly and inoffensive as possible’ might have influenced the choice of words for Junker Queen. But in stark contrast, her hate-fueled behavior and disrespectful attitude seem to contradict this perceived family-friendly atmosphere. This introduces an interesting juxtaposition of character personality and language choice – a chuckle-inducing paradox when placed under the lens!

Language and Absurdity: The Overwatch Meme Potential

Some users embraced the idea for its comedic potential instead. Take for instance, user ClockworkWren who mentions that Junkrat, another ‘Overwatch’ character, uses the word ‘drongo’, suggesting that the charm lies in the unique lingo choice. Another comment by Outrageous-Blue-30 humorously nods to ‘standards’, poking fun at the absurdity of a lawless, anarchist character adhering to language guidelines.

At the core, this exchange isn’t just about a character’s choice of words. It’s about understanding the unique character traits within the game and its appeal to a universal audience. Whether ironic, exemplary, or simply hilarious, it continues to engage the game’s enthusiasts in discussions like these, making a ‘swearing-less’ Junker Queen part of Overwatch’s captivating charm.