The Unresolved Chronicles of ‘Leavers’ in Overwatch Quick Play

Uninterrupted gameplay in Overwatch Quick Play still disrupted by users exiting mid-session. Players voice concerns and insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Blizzard’s popular multiplayer game, Overwatch, the issue of players routinely leaving matches, particularly in Quick Play, has resurfaced.


  • Player “Glittering_Berry1740” recounts experience of frequently encountering ‘revolving door’ matches.
  • Verification of leavers comes from the scoreboard showing multiple 0-0-0 scores.
  • Discussion among community members uncover different perspectives on the issue.

The Persistent Issue

The game apparently has successfully launched several crackdowns and penalties designed to discourage this behavior, but players like ImpossibleGT continue to express their skepticism towards the effectiveness of these measures. They ironically pointed out that the persistence of the problem demonstrates that the penalties don’t work as intended.

The Other Side

However, not all players view the departure of team members mid-game as a strictly negative occurrence. Left_Artichoke_5747 finds some silver lining, especially in terms of high ping situations. They reveal that, at least for them, these conditions can be tolerable since they provide an opportunity to leave the game, reset their internet, and return with preferable latency.

A Different Perspective

From yet another viewpoint, some players believe that Quick Play should be regarded as a casual space with lenient requirements compared to Competitive Play. Strong_Baseball_8984 argued that since Quick Play is less formal, it should be normal for players to hop off for a few minutes without severe consequences.

Collectively, these perspectives paint a diverse outlook on the situation, illustrating that what might seem like an overwhelming problem to some is just ‘part of the game’ to others, and for some, it’s simply a systemic issue that needs more attention from the developers. Case in point: ‘To leave, or not to leave’ might still be the question in Overwatch Quick Play. Hold your thought while we pause for a sandwich break!