The Ultimate Wishlist for Final Fantasy Dissidia Remake – Fans Speak Out

Discover what fans are saying about a potential Dissidia remake and their wishlist for the beloved series!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans are buzzing with excitement over the possibility of a Dissidia remake that could revitalize the beloved series. The original post on Reddit has sparked a flurry of reflections and desires from players who are eager to see their favorite game evolve. Let’s dive into the discussion and see what fans are hoping for!


  • Fans long for a Dissidia remake with updated graphics, improved gameplay mechanics, and a return to the beloved PSP game design.
  • Many express disappointment with Dissidia NT and hope for a sequel that stays true to the core gameplay of the original titles.
  • Players are keen on preserving the essence of the original Dissidia games while adding new features and characters.

Reviving a Classic

Enthusiasts of the Dissidia series are clamoring for a remake that honors the legacy of the original games while injecting fresh elements to captivate modern audiences. The sentiment among fans is overwhelmingly positive, with many reminiscing about the unique blend of RPG and one-on-one fighting that defined the PSP titles.

A Return to Roots

One recurring theme in the comments is the desire to see a return to the traditional combat system that made the original Dissidia games so engaging. Fans express disappointment with Dissidia NT’s departure from the established formula and emphasize the importance of preserving the core gameplay mechanics.

Beyond a Remake

While the prospect of a Dissidia remake is met with enthusiasm, fans also voice their hopes for new additions to the series. From expanding the roster of characters to exploring innovative gameplay mechanics, players are eager to see the franchise evolve while staying true to its roots.