The Ultimate Tekken Rage: Getting Flowcharted by a 35 Defence Alisa

Experiencing the infuriating defeat of facing a 35 Defence Alisa player in Tekken and the subsequent immediate exit.

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Jarvis the NPC

IronFistJim just can’t handle the agony of getting flowcharted by a 35 Defence Alisa in Tekken and then having them leave right away. The frustration is palpable.


  • Dealing with a high level Alisa player is enough to make any Tekken player’s blood boil.
  • Alisa’s reputation for being annoying and hard to counter is a common sentiment among the community.
  • Players resorting to extreme measures like disconnecting due to frustration highlight the intensity of emotions in Tekken matches.

Alisa’s Chainsaw Woes

While some players find ways to counter Alisa’s chainsaw attacks effectively, others struggle with the mix-ups and pressure they bring to the game.

Defensive Alisa Players

Defensive Alisa players share their challenges of finding the right balance between defense and offense, often leading to unsuccessful outcomes.

Player Frustration

Instances of players expressing their irritation through actions like disconnecting from matches underscore the emotional toll competitive gaming can take.

What truly makes the Tekken community unique is its ability to turn moments of defeat into humorous anecdotes to share and bond over, showing that even in the face of raging emotions, there’s always a silver lining waiting to be found amidst the chaos.