The Ultimate Tekken Character Playlist Revealed | Best Music Choices

Discover what your favorite Tekken characters jam out to when they're not fighting in this fun character playlist reveal!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wonder what music your favorite Tekken character listens to when they’re not busy kicking butt? Well, Reddit has some amusing insights that might just surprise you! From metal to classical, the character choices are as diverse as they come.


  • Characters’ music preferences offer a glimpse into their personalities and backgrounds.
  • Fans have varying interpretations, from classical to electronic genres.
  • Surprising choices like Lee’s 2000s pop affinity add depth to character perceptions.

The Musical Gurus of Tekken

Each Tekken character’s music taste reveals more than meets the eye. Devil Jin opts for death metal or boss battle music, showcasing his intense nature. On the other hand, Steve’s love for punk rock and hip hop reflects his rebellious spirit.

Unveiling the Melodic Identities

Lee’s eclectic mix of classical, pop, and club tunes hints at his multifaceted persona. From Lady Gaga to Chopin, his playlist covers a wide range. Meanwhile, Kazuya, surprisingly, leans towards Japanese rap, adding a twist to his image as a formidable fighter.

The Beats Behind the Warriors

Claudio’s sophisticated palette includes opera and classical music, mirroring his regal presence. Jack-8’s industrial noise choice and Dragunov’s preference for calm melodies add depth to their characters beyond the battlefield.