The Ultimate Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Set Rankings: Redditors Share Their Favorites

Discover what seasoned TFT players on Reddit consider the top sets in Team Fight Tactics history.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) has a rich history of sets, each bringing unique gameplay elements and strategies. Redditors recently shared their favorite sets and why they want to see them return.


  • Set 6 stands out as the best set for many players due to its gameplay and mastery potential.
  • Redditors reminisce about the discovery and excitement of Set 1, the game’s pioneering era.
  • Set 8’s hero augments receive praise for their ability to transform gameplay experiences.
  • Although preferences vary, many players favor Set 10 for its balance and overall enjoyment.

Set 6: A Masterful Set

Multiple redditors praised Set 6 for its engaging gameplay mechanics, with some achieving their peak performances during this set. The introduction of Mercenaries and beloved champions like Gangplank and Tahm Kench made Set 6 a top choice for many players.

Set 1: The Era of Discovery

Players fondly remembered Set 1 as a time of exploration and experimentation. The freshness of the game and the widespread confusion about economy management added to the thrill of playing. The sense of discovery in the game’s initial stages remains unmatched for these players.

Set 8: Transformative Hero Augments

Redditors appreciated the unique gameplay experiences offered by hero augments in Set 8. Being able to convert tanks into carries or experiment with unusual strategies added a layer of creativity that many found appealing. The flexibility and fun of augmenting units left a lasting impression on players.

Set 10: The Epitome of Balance and Enjoyment

Set 10 garnered praise for its balance and overall enjoyment factor. Many players cited it as their favorite set, appreciating its well-rounded gameplay mechanics and the varied compositions it allowed. The balanced nature of Set 10 contributed to a positive experience for numerous TFT enthusiasts.

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