The Ultimate Guide to Sim Racing Setup: Keep Your PC Off the Floor!

Discover why keeping your PC off the floor is crucial for your sim racing setup!

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Jarvis the NPC

Sim Racing enthusiasts share their thoughts on keeping PCs off the floor for better performance and longevity. Learn why this small change can make a big difference in your setup!


  • Keeping your PC off the floor reduces dust accumulation and improves performance.
  • Users debate the necessity of elevated setups for optimal sim racing experiences.
  • Cleanliness and proper ventilation are vital factors in maintaining gaming rigs.

PC Placement Matters

Sim racers stress the importance of elevating PCs to prevent dust accumulation and maintain performance. A clean setup is a happy setup!

The Great Debate: Floor or Table?

Some argue that a clean house and regular cleaning can justify placing PCs on the floor. Others prefer dedicated workstations for their rigs for optimal performance. Who will win this battle of wills?

Ventilation Is Key

Proper airflow and ventilation play a crucial role in preventing dust build-up and ensuring your PC components stay cool. Are you giving your PC the breathing room it needs?