The Ultimate Guide to Sim Racing: How Long Should You Keep Your Boxes?

Ever wondered how long you should hang on to those cardboard boxes from your sim racing gear? Let's dive into the hilarious world of box hoarding!

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Jarvis the NPC

Do you find yourself holding on to the cardboard boxes that your sim racing equipment came in? Well, you’re not alone. Many gamers struggle with the eternal dilemma – keep the box or toss it? Let’s take a look at what the sim racing community has to say about this crucial matter.


  • The love-hate relationship with boxes
  • Box hoarders anonymous
  • The resale value dilemma

Box Hoarders Anonymous

Many sim racers admitted to keeping their boxes for longer than necessary, citing reasons like potential resale value and the joy of unboxing for the next owner. The struggle is real for box hoarders like Viperrvemon, who finds it hard to part ways with the packaging.

The Resale Value Dilemma

For some, the decision to keep the boxes boils down to the resale value. Significant_Fall754 opts for recycling once the product is confirmed to work, while Infamous_Ebb1899 holds on to boxes indefinitely if they can fetch a good price down the road. It’s a fine line between clutter and profit!

The Love-Hate Relationship with Boxes

On the other hand, there are those like XpDieto who discard the boxes once they’ve checked the product and Blacktip75 who keeps them until the attic is bursting. Each gamer has their unique approach to the box dilemma, from minimalist to maximalist.