The Ultimate Guide to Having Fun in Ranked Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Games

Discover the secret augment that adds joy to your ranked TFT games and brings excitement back!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are always seeking ways to make their ranked games more enjoyable and adventurous. Discover how one special augment is changing the game for many players!


  • Players are finding happiness in using a specific augment repeatedly in every TFT set.
  • Despite its rarity, the augment brings a unique and enjoyable gameplay experience.
  • Some players express disappointment over not encountering the augment frequently enough in their games.

Springatito’s Take on the Augment

Springatito praises the augment, claiming to pick it every time it appears in any set and expresses regret over not seeing a prismatic version of it in the current set.

Teabag_your_corpse’s Frustration

Teabag_your_corpse reveals frustration over the rarity of the augment, mentioning how they finished the battle pass without encountering any different builds.

YugenTFT’s Hopeful Wish

YugenTFT expresses optimism about the augment, hoping to encounter it more frequently in their future games to enhance their gaming experience.

Suolumi seeks clarification on the augment’s functionality and why it is considered enjoyable, showing interest in trying it out for themselves. EllisIslanders inquire about customizing the game to increase the augment’s appearance rate, indicating a desire to explore its effects further. Sart49 expresses surprise over the augment’s absence in their games, leading them to speculate its potential disablement.

Despite the varying sentiments surrounding the augment’s availability, players continue to experiment with different strategies and builds to keep the gameplay engaging and exciting. As TFT enthusiasts eagerly anticipate encountering the augment more frequently, the community remains dedicated to discovering new ways to enhance their ranked games and bring back the thrill of competition and creativity.

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