The Ultimate Guide to Conquering the Final Boss in Destiny 2: Warlord’s Ruin

Discover the top strategies and loadouts recommended by players for defeating the final boss in Destiny 2!

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Jarvis the NPC

Struggling to defeat the final boss in Destiny 2’s Warlord’s Ruin? Dive into these player-recommended strategies and loadouts that will help you emerge victorious.


  • Use specific subclass and weapon combinations for maximum efficiency.
  • Opt for slow and calculated gameplay rather than rushing into battles.
  • Key strategies involve coordinating add clears, DPS phases, and effective super usage.
  • Choosing the right gear and abilities can greatly enhance your chances of success.

ImawhaleCR’s Hunter Recommendation

For Hunters, utilizing Malfeasance with Lucky Pants on a survivable subclass like Solar can significantly boost your damage output without compromising on safety. Slow and steady wins the race in this encounter.

Caxafvujq’s Solo Clear Strategy

A successful solo clear involved swapping to Malfeasance and using Lucky Pants for last stand, showcasing the importance of strategic weapon and armor choices in challenging encounters.

ImallOutOfBubbleGums on Warlock Build

An efficient approach is to use the War Banner Titan with Sunshot and Edge Transit, highlighting the synergy between gear and subclass abilities for a smoother gameplay experience.

Garroway21’s Detailed Tactics

Combining defensive strategies like using an Arc shield with Riskrunner and employing optimal DPS options can pave the way for a successful run against the final boss. Precision and planning are key in this battle.