The Ultimate Guide to Call of Duty: Which One Should You Play Now?

Confused about which Call of Duty to play? Let's dive into the Reddit community's top picks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you feeling lost in the world of Call of Duty? BupidStastard seeks guidance on the best game to play, reminis cing about simpler times with World at War on Xbox 360. The overwhelming variety of game modes le aves them yearning for a straightforward gaming experience where fun trumps complexity. But with so many titles to choose from, where does one begin?


  • Old school charm retains its appeal – World at War and Black Ops 1 still have active player bases.
  • Modern Warfare 3 (2023) for multiplayer excitement while older titles offer gripping campaigns.
  • Casual gamers find Cold War appealing – simple multiplayer, engaging zombies, and exciting scorestreaks.
  • MW3 continues to dominate the community, though Cold War and Warzone also present intriguing options.


Revisiting the classics? Both World at War and Black Ops 1 still boast dedicated player communities, keeping the nostalgia alive.


Looking for a blend of modern multiplayer and classic campaigns? MW3 (2023) offers the best of both worlds, while older titles deliver memorable storylines.


Embrace your casual gamer status with Cold War’s mix of fun multiplayer, engaging zombies, and rewarding scorestreaks – no need to sweat the small stuff.


If you’re seeking the latest multiplayer craze, MW3 is the go-to option, but don’t overlook the timeless appeal of older titles like BO and MW2.


Jump into the bustling world of Warzone, where the community is always active, offering a free experience for all players.


The MW3 hype train is still chugging along, while MW2 and Vanguard provide alternate gaming experiences, but beware of hackers in older titles.


MW2023 might have the numbers, but personal preference reigns supreme – BO1, BO2, and Cold War still hold a special place in the hearts of many players.


Cold War’s captivating campaign and the allure of MW2 provide diverse gaming experiences. Warzone, though different, offers an intriguing free-to-play option for exploration.


Returning after a hiatus? Cold War’s subtle pace and old-school vibes could be the perfect re-entry point, bypassing the buzz around MW3.


Delve into the past with Black Ops 2 and 3 for a taste of classic COD charm that still resonates with fans of the franchise.


Join the current multiplayer frenzy with MW3 and stay updated with the latest gameplay trends in the COD universe.


Stick with Warzone for now, a community hub bustling with activity, until the excitement of Gulf War arrives on the scene.