The Ultimate Frustration in Team Fight Tactics (TFT): When RNG Hits Hard

Tales of triumph and frustration in the turbulent world of Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players often face the ultimate frustration when RNG decides to play tricks on them, as BlackSlake shares in a post about a series of near misses and disappointments.


  • Trials of chasing elusive level 3 champions like Sett, Azir, and Xayah
  • Community tips on optimizing odds when rolling for high-cost units
  • Discussion on the strategic viability of pursuing 3-star 1-cost and 5-cost champions

The Agony of Almost: Chasing Elusive Champions

BlackSlake vents about the near misses in leveling up champions, leaving players nodding in shared frustration.

Optimizing Your Chances: A Player’s Guide

Players like blue-yeen offer strategic advice to BlackSlake, recommending a different approach to increase the odds of hitting desired champions.

The Art of Strategy: Pursuing 3-Star Champions

The3mbered0ne dives into the strategic aspects, discussing the practicality of aiming for 3-star champions in the current meta.

The Unpredictable Nature of TFT

Overall, TFT’s randomness can be both a blessing and a curse, leading players on a rollercoaster of emotions as they navigate the turbulent seas of RNG.

Categories TFT