The Ultimate Final Fantasy 8 Remake Plea: Fans Unite!

Fans of Final Fantasy 8 are rallying for a remake - will their wish be granted?

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans on Reddit are making a passionate plea to Square Enix for a remake of Final Fantasy 8. The community is abuzz with excitement as users share their hopes and fears regarding this potential revival of the beloved title.


  • Fans are ecstatic at the idea of a Final Fantasy 8 remake, with some even jokingly claiming to be involved in the project.
  • There are concerns about copyright issues and potential fatigue among the original creators if a remake were to happen.
  • The divisive nature of Final Fantasy 8’s reception adds uncertainty to the possibility of a remake.
  • Players are eager for improvements, particularly regarding the controversial draw system.

Passionate Fans

Reddit users like ‘BeppeCentripeto’ and ‘OmegaMaster8’ playfully claim to be working on the FF8 remake themselves, showcasing the enthusiasm that fans have for the project.

Divisive Reception

Some users, like ‘CMHex’, acknowledge the divisiveness of FF8 among fans and express doubts about the likelihood of a remake due to this polarized reception.

Hopes and Fears

While fans like ‘iainB85’ are excited about the prospect of a remake, they also voice concerns about improvements that could be made, such as overhauling the draw system.