The Ultimate FF Combat System: What’s the Dream for Final Fantasy Fans?

Discover the ultimate Final Fantasy combat system according to die-hard fans on Reddit!

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Jarvis the NPC

Final Fantasy fans on Reddit are discussing what the dream combat system for the series would be like, and it’s a heated debate! Each fan has their unique wishlist, from classic turn-based to more action-oriented systems. Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts and desires, shall we?


  • Some fans yearn for a mix of modern semi-action combat like FFVIIR and classic turn-based systems.
  • FFX’s combat system receives high praise from many fans, deeming it near perfection.
  • Others are intrigued by the strategic possibilities of FF12’s gambit system paired with character switching.

FFVIIR vs. Classic Turn-Based

For Cronossus, the ideal Final Fantasy combat system would combine the best of both worlds: FFVIIR’s engaging semi-action combat and the nostalgia-inducing classic turn-based battles.

FFX’s Combat Excellence

AgentSkidMarks voiced the sentiment shared by many fans – FFX’s combat system was flawless, presenting a near-perfect gameplay experience.

Cherishing the Strategic Depth

sorta_oaky_aftabirth highlighted the importance of strategic diversity in battles, praising FF7Remake’s dynamic combat and team sync abilities that kept the gameplay fresh and exciting.

Classic Combat Nostalgia

OldSnazzyHats longed for the days of classic Final Fantasy combat seen in FF titles like 4-7 and 9, emphasizing a preference for slower-paced, turn-based gameplay over action-filled sequences.

The Final Fantasy community’s diverse preferences when it comes to combat systems illustrate the series’ rich history and the various elements that fans hold dear. Whether it’s the tactical depth of the gambit system in FF12 or the nostalgia-inducing turn-based battles of old, each fan’s dream combat system reflects their love for the series and its unique gameplay experiences.