The Ultimate Destiny 2 Onslaught Build: Reddit Review

Discover the best and worst of the Destiny 2 community's thoughts on an Onslaught build.

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Jarvis the NPC

Delve into the Destiny 2 subreddit where users have been discussing an epic Onslaught build that has stirred up some mixed feelings among the community. The post revolves around the effectiveness and flaws of the build, leading to a range of opinions from dedicated players.


  • Users question the build’s viability and survivability.
  • Some appreciate the fun factor of the build despite its drawbacks.
  • Concerns raised about the build’s synergy and potential improvements.

Positive Reactions: Embracing the Fun

Despite reservations, some players find the Onslaught build enjoyable and engaging. A sense of experimentation and playfulness emerges in their comments.

Critical Feedback: Seeking Improvements

Players express concerns about the build’s effectiveness and synergy, suggesting alternatives and adjustments to optimize performance.

Community Discord: Varied Opinions

The subreddit is divided, with some praising the build’s creativity while others critique its practicality and strategic value in the game.