The Text Chat Quandary in Overwatch: When Banter Turns into Bans

Exploring the user perspectives on text chat use in popular game Overwatch.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of ‘Overwatch,’ in-game text chat serves as a double-edged sword for players. While it can be used to engage in friendly banter or coordinate strategies, it can also become a hostile environment that dampens the gaming experience.


  • Players believe that the chat’s main purpose can range from constructive team communication to casual, sometimes sarcastic banter. It’s clear the idea of ‘proper’ chat use remains subjective.
  • A section of players consciously stays limited to wishing a ‘gg’ or ‘ns’ post game to avoid potential conflict.
  • Others reported that turning off chat altogether significantly improved their gaming experiences, highlighting the ongoing struggle against toxicity.

Spectrum of Perspectives

Players on Reddit like ‘EmotionallyUnsound_‘ and ‘xxvr0_‘ show that text chat is used widely for both game-related banter and calling out toxicity. There’s also a tie to player enjoyment, ‘Latter_Can6225‘ suggested the slowness of typing on a controller can be burdensome for some.

Online Decorum and Avoidance

Many players, for example ‘Hey_Im_JEddY‘ and ‘JayCee5481‘, admitted to keeping chat minimal, limiting themselves to salutations to prevent fueling any potential negativity. This is possibly a reflection of an understood online decorum developing amongst gamers.

Seeking Positivity Amidst Negativity

It’s impossible to ignore the element of negativity some users find prevalent or overwhelming. Notably, ‘FreshlyBakedBunz‘ shared an experience of having a much more enjoyable gaming moment after completely disconnecting from text chat.

It seems ‘Overwatch’ chat serves as a battleground in its own right. Despite its purpose of facilitating communication, it appears to be a bubbling pot of various user sentiment. Yet amidst the hostility, pockets of positivity and pleasantries persist, and perhaps they provide enough reason for the chat feature’s existence.