The Surprising Zeri Arena Finger Laser in League of Legends

Discover the unexpected interaction of Zeri's arena finger laser in the League of Legends community.

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Jarvis the NPC

In League of Legends, players are buzzing about the unexpected Zeri arena finger laser interaction. Here’s what the community is saying…


  • Players are divided on the impact of the Zeri finger laser interaction
  • The interaction is seen as both fun and potentially problematic
  • Some players appreciate the novelty, while others worry about its balance

Beautiful Interaction

Chembaron_Seki admires the beauty of the interaction but expects it to be patched out soon

Funny Moment

doom_oo_ finds the situation laughable

Disguise Dilemma

Davkata points out a counterplay to the interaction with Neeko’s disguise

Normalcy vs. Issue

frankipranki sees the interaction as standard for Zeri

Language Faux Pas

EatingGrossTurds69 comments on language choices in gaming