The State of Suicide Squad: Players Divided on the Game’s Future

Diving deep into the Reddit post on the current state of Suicide Squad game - does it have a bright future or should players beware?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad fans are buzzing with questions about the current state of the game. You’ve got players in one corner reminiscing about the game’s origins, and in the other, we’ve got those struggling to find a reason to reinstall. Division is in the air!


  • Players are torn between their love for the original game and their disappointments with the lack of updates.
  • New additions and updates have left some hopeful for the game’s future.
  • Bugs and save data issues have left others frustrated and uninstalled the game.
  • The community is divided on whether to stick around or abandon ship.

The Love and The Letdown

Serahjayneuwu’s sentiments echoed a common theme among fans – a deep connection to the game’s launch experience but a growing disappointment in its current state. Hardcore fans like Darksied175 felt the game hit its peak with the main campaign and struggled to find a reason to stay for the lackluster follow-ups.

The Bug Bear

GoombaGoddess’s blunt assessment of the recent update breaking the game struck a chord with many players facing similar issues, from lost save data to corrupted progress. This bitter pill soured the game for many, making a return seem unlikely.

New Hope on the Horizon

Contrary to the doomsayers, Ironsmashweb and JustinAlexTheJdo highlighted the silver lining with new gear, missions, enemies, and a revamped gear system. Their optimism offered a glimmer of hope for those willing to give the game another shot.

As players stand at this crossroads of admiration and frustration, the fate of Suicide Squad hangs in the balance. Will developers address the concerns raised by the community and breathe new life into the game, or is it doomed to fade into obscurity? Only time will tell as players navigate the turbulent waters of the gaming world.