The State of FIFA Rivals: Clones, Cheese, and Complaints

Cheddar, cheddar, everywhere! Diving into the FIFA Reddit to find out why rivals mode feels like Groundhog Day.

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Jarvis the NPC

FIFA players are in a frenzy over the lack of diversity in rivals mode teams. Each team feels like a mirror image of the next, and the tactics are becoming as predictable as a bot.


  • Players frustrated with facing the same meta squads repeatedly.
  • Complaints about monotonous gameplay strategies like wing runs.
  • Some defend the common picks, suggesting it’s part of the game’s cycle.

EA’s Wild Ride

Frustration with the lack of variety in opponents has led many players to believe they’re stuck in a FIFA-themed Groundhog Day. The same players, the same strategies, the same predictability – it’s enough to make even Bill Murray pack up his bags and run. User malin7 blames this lack of diversity on the NPC-like behavior of players who blindly follow popular tactics preached by influencers. It’s as if everyone is on autopilot, executing the same moves over and over again, turning matches into a robotic dance routine rather than a dynamic game.

Defense or Fence?

Tons28 dives deeper into the defensive woes plaguing the game. The inability of many players to defend against wing runs has resulted in EA buffing defensive mechanisms, further skewing the gameplay balance. To counter the predictable wing tactics, defenders have to be highly alert and tactically adept, or risk conceding goals faster than they can utter ‘Shawshank Redemption’. The outcry against wing runs might just be a telltale sign of an unbalanced playing field where defense is more about miraculous saves than strategic gameplay.

Pack Luck or Pay to Play?

It’s not just the lack of variety in opponents that’s irking players but also the distinct feeling that elite cards are out of reach without doling out real-world cash. BryNYC points out that the reason teams all look the same is due to the reliance on paid packs to secure top-tier players. The frustration of facing teams packed with premium cards adds to the feeling of stagnation in rivals mode, where skill sometimes takes a backseat to squad strength.

The FIFA community stands divided between those resigned to the current state of affairs and those calling for a shake-up in the meta. As complaints about predictability and lack of diversity echo through the digital corridors of FIFA forums, players are left wondering if there’s more to rivals mode than a cheese fest of cloned squads and repetitive strategies.