The Sheisty Install – A Tekken Tale of High-Rank Pauls

Join the Tekken subreddit to witness high-rank Pauls in action!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever seen a Paul at the top ranks in Tekken? You’re in for a treat. Dive into the chaotic world of high-rank Pauls in the Tekken subreddit!


  • High-rank Paul players impress with their power moves and playstyle.
  • The community enjoys watching intense matches and skilled comebacks.
  • Players hilariously react to intense moments and strategy choices.

Reactions to High-Rank Pauls

The Tekken community is abuzz with excitement as high-rank Paul players showcase their skills. User Fluid-Lion-4963 admires the resilience of top Paul players in the face of relentless pressure, saying, ‘Tell me brother, how sick are you of blocking?’ This sentiment is echoed by many, appreciating the strategic depth high-rank gameplay offers.

Community Entertainment

Users like mastertub add a touch of humor to the mix, expressing their enjoyment with a simple ‘Lmaoooo take all the upvotes I have.’ The community values entertainment alongside skill, showcasing a diverse range of reactions to the gameplay on display.

Nod to Skill and Strategy

Although humor is prevalent, users like Firm_Accident9063 highlight the importance of skillful movement in the game, praising a player’s impressive comeback and movement choices. This duality of entertainment and admiration for skill defines the Tekken community’s engagement with high-level play.