The Rise and Fall of ‘Get Rekt’ in League of Legends: A Nostalgic Journey

Remember the days of 'get rekt' in League of Legends? Let's take a trip down memory lane with the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players reminisce on the disappearance of the iconic phrase ‘get rekt’ in the gaming chat. From its prevalence in the past to its current absence, users share their thoughts on this linguistic evolution.


  • Users reflect on the shift in gaming language, noting the decline of ‘get rekt.’
  • Newer phrases like ‘jngl diff’ and ‘gg ez’ dominate the current gaming vernacular.
  • The community acknowledges the cyclical nature of memes and trends in gaming culture.

The Legacy of ‘Get Rekt’

Many users express nostalgia for the days when ‘get rekt’ was a common phrase in League of Legends, reminiscing about its influence on gaming interactions.

The Evolution of Gaming Language

Some users suggest that ‘get rekt’ has been replaced by newer phrases like ‘get c.’ They highlight the dynamic nature of language within gaming communities.

Embracing Change in Gaming Culture

While ‘get rekt’ may have faded in popularity, users acknowledge the emergence of new memes and expressions that reflect the evolving landscape of gaming culture.