The Rats of Apex Legends Solos: An Honest Review of the Meta

The rats in solos make for some sneaky, frustrating gameplay. See how players are reacting to the stealthy matchups in Apex Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has introduced solos to the game, and players have been experiencing a mix of emotions and gameplay encounters. While some are enjoying the new mode, others are finding it a challenging and sometimes lonely experience. Let’s dive into the Reddit post to see what players have to say.


  • Players encounter a high number of ‘rats’ in solos, leading to frustrating gameplay.
  • Some find solos lonely or challenging due to the stealthy playstyle prevalent in the mode.
  • Others appreciate the break from facing pre-made teams and enjoy the solo experience.
  • The presence of highly skilled opponents can make solos intense and unforgiving.

The Rat Infestation

Players like RebelLion420 express frustration over encountering stealthy opponents in solos. The tactic of hiding in corners or behind doors before ambushing rivals has led to multiple unexpected deaths.

Jalaguy agrees, mentioning that solos can feel lonely if not prepared for sudden, intense encounters. The element of surprise by skilled opponents can make or break the match.

Lone Wolf or Team Player?

On the flip side, kopyscoven enjoys solos as a break from facing coordinated teams. The solo experience offers a different dynamic that some players find refreshing.

miru-eu points out the challenge of facing highly skilled opponents who rarely miss a shot, adding intensity to the solos gameplay.

From Top 5 to No Wins

WhiteLama shares a positive experience, consistently reaching top 5 without facing opponents significantly above their skill level. The absence of ‘rats’ in their matches has enhanced their enjoyment of solos.

Pungo101delmations questions a player’s skill level in a playful jab at their gameplay, highlighting the competitive nature of the community.

These differing opinions paint a varied picture of the solos experience in Apex Legends. While some revel in the challenge and intensity of facing skilled opponents, others find the stealthy gameplay frustrating and isolating. The debate between the thrill of solo play and the comfort of team dynamics is evident in players’ responses. As the solos meta evolves, it will be interesting to see how Respawn Entertainment addresses player feedback and tweaks the mode to cater to a wider audience.