The Rarity of Heirloom Shards in Apex Legends: Players Express Frustrations

Apex Legends players vent about the unattainable rarity of heirloom shards in the game. Is the chase worth the frustration?

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players have been vocal on Reddit about the seemingly unattainable rarity of heirloom shards in the game. The frustration stems from the increasing number of mythic items and cosmetics, coupled with the minuscule chances of obtaining them.


  • Players feel heirloom shards are too rare despite the influx of mythic items and cosmetics.
  • The rarity is seen as a tactic to encourage microtransactions and maintain player engagement.
  • Some players have played for years without ever receiving heirloom shards, leading to discontent.

Players’ Frustrations

Many players believe that the rarity of heirloom shards is a deliberate move by developers to drive microtransactions. Some argue that the appeal of having exclusive items diminishes when the odds of obtaining them are so slim.

Counting the Days

Long-time players express disappointment in their lack of luck in acquiring heirloom shards, with some playing for years without a single drop. The sentiment of dedication not being rewarded resonates strongly.

Microtransactions and Monetization

Discussions around the game’s economy highlight the role of heirloom shards as a premium commodity, with drop rates impacting spending habits. Players debate the ethics of such practices in a free-to-play model.

Ultimately, the allure of heirloom shards in Apex Legends seems to be as much about the status symbol as it is about the actual gameplay benefits. As players navigate the intricacies of the game’s economy and cosmetics, the elusive nature of these rare items continues to spark conversation and frustration among the community.