The Point of Runnan’s Hurricane in Team Fight Tactics (TFT): A Reddit Discussion

Find out why Runnan's Hurricane in TFT is a hot topic on Reddit and where players stand on its effectiveness.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are debating the usefulness of Runnan’s Hurricane in the current set. Some feel it lacks impact, while others defend its versatility and utility.


  • Runnan’s Hurricane offers unique benefits for certain champions like Ashe and Aphelios.
  • The item allows for spread damage and continuous attacks, useful in certain scenarios.
  • Runnan’s Hurricane can be a situational or niche item depending on the unit and meta.

The Debate: Runnans’ Role

Team Fight Tactics players have mixed opinions on Runnan’s Hurricane. Some argue it’s essential for certain champions, while others find it underwhelming in the current meta.

Champion Synergy: Ashe and Aphelios

Several users pointed out the effectiveness of Runnan’s Hurricane on champions like Ashe and Aphelios. The item’s ability to provide on-hit effects and spread damage makes it a strategic choice in specific compositions.

Item Utility and Niche Situations

While some players appreciate Runnan’s Hurricane for its unique benefits, others see it as a situational item. Depending on the champion and meta, the item can shine or fade in effectiveness, leading to varied opinions among players.

Overall, the debate on Runnan’s Hurricane in Team Fight Tactics showcases the complexity of item choices and champion synergies in the game. Players continue to experiment and adapt their strategies based on evolving metas and game updates.

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