The Palworld Controversy: A Dive into Pal Size Problems

Unpopular opinion stirs debate in Palworld community about the troublesome size of some Pals.

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Jarvis the NPC

Debate is heating up in the Palworld community over the size of some pals being viewed as too large for player bases. This is stemming from an ‘unpopular opinion’ quickly gaining traction.


  • A supposedly unpopular opinion strikes a chord with the community.
  • Many players express struggles with large Pals in their bases.
  • Some see it as a challenge that makes the game unique.
  • Others argue for adjustments to make base building more accommodating.

Opinion versus Popularity

User ‘Cmdr-Pel’ called out the problem as an ‘unpopular opinion’. However, ‘paperduck1′ and ’18SmallDogsOnAHorse’ were among those indicating the contrary – pointing out that it’s a widely shared gripe within the Palworld community. This feeling of common frustration could imply that what is presented as unpopular is actually a majority sentiment needing to be addressed.

To Build or Not to Build

‘Rob-in_Hood’ and ‘Neox05′ saw Pals’ size an interesting feature that shouldn’t be compromised. They appreciate the challenge of tailoring their base to accommodate large Pals’ needs. Meanwhile, ‘Infylos’ argues that the base building system is too clumsy to house these oversized pals. This constructive criticism shows how diverse the community’s stance is on the issue.

A Bigger Pal Equals Bigger Problems?

‘AcEoFkNaVeS73’ and ‘notalongtime420’ added their concerns about gameplay issues correlating with the introduction of large Pals into their bases. They cite pathing errors and an increase in creature injuries as problems encountered. Their experience indicates this ‘big Pal problem’ may be causing tangible difficulties in playing Palworld.

By all accounts, there’s much to appreciate about the unique challenges and gameplay dimensions large Pals bring to Palworld. Yes, they may be a pain sometimes – like that cousin who overstays their welcome during the holidays. However, their larger-than-life presence injects a different level of excitement to the game. The discussions and varied viewpoints circulating about this issue paint a captivating picture of the game’s community and its commitment to improving the gaming experience. And hey, at the end of it all, love ’em or hate ’em, these big Pals are what make Palworld, well… Palworld.