The Overwatch Paradox: To Heal or Not to Heal – An Insight from the Community

This blog discusses the dilemma faced by Overwatch gamers about the effectiveness of Lucio as a main healer.

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a heated debate brewing within the Overwatch community where a particular player, despite his affection for his friends and their in-game antics, seeks clarity concerning their team strategy, more specifically with the character ‘Lucio’. Having observed that one of his friends, who ends up playing Lucio, sticks to healing primarily, he makes it a point to raise a dissenting voice which is met mostly with disagreement.


  • The author has gaming friends who enjoy Overwatch but neglect his advices on playing better.
  • His main issue is that one friend play Lucio as a main healer, disregarding Lucio’s versatility.
  • He’s considering actions he should take after being called stupid for his comment.

Gauging the Pulse – Community Response

One user Yahya_TV advises the player to solely climb the ranking till the skill gap is too wide to deny. He stands with the complaint, shedding light on how he plays Lucio – not primarily for healing but has often led teams to victory.

Another valuable insight came from user ComradeMcCheese. They advised following experienced players’ strategies without understanding the reasoning might lead to failure. Learning from personal experiences works best, according to them.

Understanding the Character Lucio

Feedback from the submissions indicates that Lucio isn’t valued for his healing capabilities rather his advantage lies in the crossfade management and his ultimate. HasiCarter‘s comment acknowledged that keeping Lucio too focussed on healing might not exactly bring out this character’s full potential in a match.

Between Friends and Ranks

The dilemma remains – should the player stick with his friends, or should he ascend the ladder to validate his points? A question that might not have a concrete answer. Having friends in the gaming arena is an absolute joy. On the flip side, watching your advice neglected repeatedly can be frustrating.

So, dear Overwatch community, remember it’s not just about winning; it’s about having fun. But, hey, occasionally listening to your fellow player’s advice might just make your team undefeatable. So, don your headphones, get your game face on, and get, set, play!