The Ongoing Saga of ‘The Weeknd’ in Fortnite’s Item Shop

Echoing the sentiments of a Fortnite player about The Weeknd's continued presence in the game's shop.

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Jarvis the NPC

The digital sphere in Fortnite has been taken by storm, not by any weapon or avatar, but by the in-game presence of the popular singer, The Weeknd. A post shared by a user, yellow_slash_red, explains the situation best.


  • An abundance of Fortnite fans repeatedly query why The Weeknd remains a staple in the item shop.
  • The continued presence of The Weeknd in the shop is due to his ongoing Festival season, as stated by Fortnite.
  • Many players haven’t pieced together the reason for his presence, leading to redundant comments on each Fortnite social media post.

Community sentiments

BlueShield777 contended that the Fortnite community is replete with young fans leading to such confusion. On the other hand, Cost_Southern felt that these are simply gripes for the sake of groaning. Nevertheless, the consistency of these comments is undeniable, evinced by the multitude of grievances aired over The Weeknd’s presence in the item shop.

Anticipation for what’s next

Despite the current furor around The Weeknd’s presence, HennyBlanco08 pitches an amusing scenario. He envisages the void left by The Weeknd’s departure that will lead to a fresh wave of complaints from people who missed the chance. Well, the capture-the-flag philosophy is alive and well in Fortnite, not just in the battlefields, but the virtual store as well!

Outcry just symptom of a larger issue?

While everyone has their take on The Weeknd’s extensive stay in the store, ryanrosenblum proposes that the rote complaints are more about the younger player demographic. After all, isn’t the passion, impatience, and sometimes irrationality part and parcel of the video game folklore? And Fortnite, with its vibrant, often younger player base, is no different.

In the grand scheme of things, the brouhaha over The Weeknd could be viewed as an intricate dance of supply and demand, churned in the cauldron of Fortnite’s loot shop. It is a testament to Fortnite as a cultural phenomenon, serving not just as a digital playground, but also as a platform for celebrity engagement. The catalogue of sentiments seen here, varying from exasperation to amusement, brings to the forefront the deep-seated community spirit Fortnite fosters, which is as engaging and immersive as the gameplay itself.