The OG Super Ranger Drama in Brawl Stars – What’s the Deal?

What's the deal with the OG Super Ranger drama in Brawl Stars? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Brawl Stars fans are in a frenzy over the OG Super Ranger Brock skin. It seems like there’s some heated debate going on about this classic skin. Was it forgotten or intentionally left behind?


  • Players are divided on the addition of a new blue skin.
  • Some feel that the OG skin should have been updated.
  • Others argue that the new versions make the old one obsolete.

Skin Controversy

The addition of another blue variant has left some players scratching their heads. User Nero33398 mentioned how weird it felt to have another blue skin added to the mix.


Diehard_Sam_Main expressed disappointment, stating that the OG skin served no purpose anymore. The sentiment seems to be leaning towards a sense of redundancy and missed opportunities.

Conflicting Opinions

ialsohatethisworld’s fiery comment sparked controversy by calling out those who defend the new skins. The heated exchange showcases a clear divide among players on the relevance of the OG Super Ranger Brock skin.

The OG Super Ranger drama continues to stir up emotions within the Brawl Stars community. Players are passionate about their opinions on the legacy of this iconic skin. Will Supercell address the concerns and bring closure to this ongoing debate?