The Never-Ending Battle: Apex Legends Community’s Frustration with Projectile Damage

Discover why Apex Legends players are frustrated with unregistered projectile damage in this community-driven saga!

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends is a thrilling battle royale game that keeps players on the edge of their seats. So, when projectile damage seems to be ignored after getting knocked, the frustration levels surge to new heights. Recently, a Reddit post by rangaming sparked a heated discussion on this issue, with players sharing their experiences and opinions.


  • Players express discontent over unregistered projectile damage after being knocked.
  • Issues attributed to the game’s server tick rate and latency discrepancies.
  • The community highlights inconsistencies in server performance, affecting gameplay.

Community Outrage

Many players lamented the frustration of losing out on potential damage when their projectiles seemingly go unnoticed after getting knocked. User amneejoy shared their exasperation over missed Peacekeeper shots, a sentiment echoed by DeadlyNightshade91, who emphasized the disappointment of not landing a full hit with the weapon.

Server Woes

Several comments shed light on the perceived inadequacies of Apex Legends servers compared to other games, with one user, somanybugsugh, humorously welcoming players to the realm of worse server performance than even Roblox. The community emphasized the detrimental impact of poor servers on their gameplay experiences.

Unbalanced Gameplay

Criticism extended beyond server issues, with users like Intelligent-Storm369 highlighting the perceived unbalanced nature of the game. This sentiment was echoed by Growe731, who observed a decline in server performance specifically in the current season, leading to frustration and confusion among players.

DeputyDab420 shared a similar sentiment, expressing disappointment in the perceived worsening state of the game upon their return after a hiatus. These comments reflect a collective dissatisfaction with the game’s current state and performance.

Ultimately, stewiecookie offered a unique perspective on latency and server discrepancies, highlighting the dual nature of online gaming experiences. While criticism abounds, stewiecookie reminded players of the unseen benefits of server discrepancies, urging a broader understanding of the complexities involved.