The Mystery of Stanway: FIFA Fanatics Debate Card Extinction

Discover why FIFA fans are puzzled over Stanway's skyrocketing TOTS card value. Is it market manipulation or sheer demand?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why certain FIFA Ultimate Team player cards are as rare as a unicorn sighting? Well, the FIFA community recently found itself in a heated debate over the sudden extinction of Stanway’s TOTS card. Let’s dive into the conversation.


  • Some believe Stanway’s card is a victim of market manipulation by EA.
  • Others think the pricing is manipulated by players hoping to profit.
  • Fans speculate on pack weights impacting card availability and pricing.

The EA Manipulation Theory

According to user BarryButcher, EA’s strategy to limit Stanway’s price range could lead to a drastic drop once increased, leaving traders in a profit frenzy.

The Pack Weight Conundrum

As pointed out by Maximum-Breadfruit75, certain cards like Stanway’s Fantasy card may be undervalued due to their pack weight distribution, impacting their rarity and subsequent market value.

The Player Influence Factor

True_Contribution_19 highlighted the player-driven price fluctuations, emphasizing that EA holds the power to dictate card availability and pricing irrespective of demand.

As passionate FIFA fans continue to dissect the Stanway mystery, it’s clear that the enigmatic world of Ultimate Team cards is filled with intrigue and uncertainty. Whether you’re a casual player or a seasoned trader, navigating the ever-changing market dynamics remains a puzzle worth solving.