The Mystery of Sphinx’s Baubal in Smite – Unraveling the Confusion

Why are players in Smite puzzled by Sphinx's Baubal on warriors? Let's uncover the mystery!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Smite, a puzzling question has surfaced: Why are players suddenly incorporating Sphinx’s Baubal into warrior builds without reaching 50% cooldown? This phenomenon has left many scratching their heads.


  • Players seem confused about the optimal use of Sphinx’s Baubal on warriors.
  • Some suggest the additional cooldown may not be the primary reason for its inclusion.
  • Understanding player behavior and item interactions is crucial to solving this mystery.

Insights on Sphinx’s Baubal

Many players believe that Sphinx’s Baubal is being built for reasons beyond cooldown reduction. Some mention the 10% CDR from the blue tiki, prompting the use of Sphinx’s Baubal to hit the cap.

Speculations on Warrior Builds

It’s possible that players are valuing other attributes of Sphinx’s Baubal, like the T1 15mp5 or the 500 gold power pot. The debate continues on whether it’s worth the investment.

Consideration of Player Knowledge

Some users raise the issue of player awareness, mentioning the lack of information on class passives and the game’s failure to educate about such mechanics. This gap in knowledge could explain the confusion surrounding Sphinx’s Baubal.

In the ever-evolving realm of Smite, understanding player perceptions and rationale behind item choices is crucial. The mystery of Sphinx’s Baubal on warriors highlights the complexities of player decision-making and the importance of game knowledge in optimizing builds. As the community delves deeper into this enigma, insights emerge, shedding light on the intricacies of strategic choices within the game.