The Mystery Behind Paimon and the Traveler’s Sleeping Arrangements in Genshin Impact

Uncover why Paimon insists on sleeping in the same bed as the Traveler in Genshin Impact.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why Paimon and the Traveler share a bed in Genshin Impact? Let’s delve into the intriguing reasons behind their sleeping arrangements!


  • Paimon’s attachment issues lead her to prefer sleeping near the Traveler.
  • Players joke that Paimon is like a needy cat with separation anxiety.
  • The community believes that Paimon’s fear of being alone drives her to stay close to the Traveler.

The Attachment Theory

Many players speculate that Paimon’s insistence on sleeping near the Traveler stems from attachment issues. This theory suggests that Paimon may feel insecure and seeks comfort by staying in close proximity to the Traveler.

Needy Cat Syndrome

Comparing Paimon to a needy cat with separation anxiety has become a popular meme in the community. Players find humor in attributing human-like emotions to the adorable and quirky character.

Fear of Loneliness

Another prevalent idea is that Paimon’s fear of being alone drives her to always stay near the Traveler. This fear may stem from Paimon’s experiences in the game world, where dangers lurk around every corner.

Despite their differing opinions, players can all agree that Paimon’s closeness to the Traveler adds depth to their relationship and enhances the game’s narrative.