The Most Frustrating Raiding Experience of My Life in Destiny 2

Join me in exploring the tale of a Destiny 2 raid that turned into a nightmare due to an unexpected saboteur.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players share their harrowing experience in a raid where a malicious team member sabotaged their run for hours without detection. The frustration and disbelief were palpable as the group realized the extent of the griefing.


  • A seemingly perfect LFG group turned into a nightmare due to a hidden saboteur.
  • The frustration peaked when the team realized they had been sabotaged for hours.
  • The betrayal and disappointment felt by the players were immense.

Player Reactions

Unclehelpful suggested reporting such behavior, emphasizing the despicable nature of the saboteur’s actions. Badshaah27m shared experiences of toxic players in LFG groups, noting the contrast with helpful and friendly groups. TriceSnipezYou questioned the team’s lack of awareness of the saboteur’s actions. Physcial-Ocelot5976 provided a different perspective, suggesting the saboteur might have been unaware of the impact of their actions until exposed.

Intriguing Insights

99CentSavings emphasized the importance of accountability and swift action in addressing team weaknesses. East_Reporter1598 expressed frustration at players wasting time and complicating gameplay. JimLahey08 recommended checking a player’s raid report for insights. Jr4D speculated on the newcomer status of the saboteur, highlighting the chaotic dynamics of the raid.

Ultimately, the fate of a raid can hinge on the actions of one individual, turning what should have been a straightforward gaming session into a memorable tale of betrayal and resilience. The lesson learned from this experience is that vigilance and coordination are key in overcoming challenges in Destiny 2 raids.