The Loot Dilemma in Destiny 2: Players Want More Rewards!

Destiny 2 players discuss the amount of loot in the game today and if it should be a standard practice.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are buzzing with talks about the current loot situation in the game, particularly in activities like Onslaught. Players are split between wanting more loot drop rates and the balance of challenge versus reward.


  • Players advocate for more loot drops in challenging activities like Onslaught to make the grind rewarding and enjoyable.
  • Some players express concern about activities becoming stale if loot is excessively showered, citing past experiences with Menagerie loot exploit.
  • There is a call for a balance in loot drop rates to sustain interest and engagement in the game.

Chasing the Loot Dream

Many players, like fearosis, feel that the current loot situation in Destiny 2, particularly in activities such as Onslaught, should set a new standard for the game. They argue that activities should offer more loot, making the pursuit of god rolls more entertaining and less of a tedious chore. HomeMadeAcid introduces a twist to the discussion by emphasizing that while increased loot is favorable, caution is needed to ensure it doesn’t lead to a situation where players quickly exhaust content due to oversaturation of rewards.

Gearing Up for Challenges

On the other hand, voices like LowEffortPoast and Nightshade_NL raise concerns about the stinginess of loot drops in certain activities, specifically in dungeons. They highlight the frustration of engaging in challenging content only to receive underwhelming rewards, leading to a lack of motivation to continue playing. ASavageHobo adds to this sentiment by pointing out the limitations on inventory space, suggesting the need for more slots per weapon type to accommodate the influx of loot.

Mastering the Art of Loot

Twizzlor dives into the intricacies of masterworking loot in Destiny 2, specifically addressing the issue of rerolling masterworks. They argue that allowing players to reroll masterworks, especially for coveted items like Mountaintop, would enhance the customization and satisfaction of loot acquisition. This suggestion aligns with the desire for players to have more control over the rewards they receive, increasing the overall value of loot drops.

Destiny 2 players are clearly passionate about the loot dynamics in the game, with varying opinions on the ideal balance between challenge and reward. The community’s engagement with these discussions showcases the importance of loot systems in shaping player experiences and maintaining interest in ongoing gameplay.