The Logic Behind Double Primaries or No Exotic Weapons in Destiny 2 Revealed

Discover the reasoning behind using double primaries or forgoing exotic weapons in Destiny 2.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are puzzled by the prevalence of double primaries or the absence of exotic weapons in Legend Onslaught. They seek to understand the logic behind these choices, especially when facing challenging encounters with random teammates.


  • Players opt for double primaries or no exotics to ensure they have the right champion mods equipped.
  • Some Guardians prioritize functionality over flashy gear, using effective combinations to tackle tough encounters.
  • Newer players might choose simpler loadouts to manage champion types more efficiently.

Guardians’ Dilemma

In the fast-paced world of Destiny 2, the choice between double primaries or exotic weapons can make or break a Guardian’s performance. While some prefer the flexibility of two primary weapons, others rely on exotic perks for that extra edge in combat. The decision often boils down to personal preferences and tactical considerations.

Community Insights

Commenter GreenLego suggests direct communication to understand players’ loadout choices better, emphasizing the importance of champ mods. BBFA2020 showcases a detailed approach to loadouts based on trust levels with LFG teammates, highlighting the versatility of different weapon combinations for varied scenarios.

Strategic Loadouts

Lord-Saladman advocates for using an exotic intrinsic paired with an artifact champ weapon to avoid relying on double primaries. This strategic approach ensures a balanced loadout that can handle different champion types effectively, enhancing the Guardian’s overall combat capabilities.

Fearsmok00 sheds light on using double primaries for quick weapon quest completions, illustrating how gameplay objectives can influence loadout choices in intense scenarios. Cinderchar reflects on the pitfalls of judging players based on titles or ranks, underscoring the importance of skill and adaptability in challenging encounters.

Skywarka delves into the rationale behind double primaries, emphasizing their reliability in dealing with champion types when exotic abilities fall short. The player’s analysis highlights the significance of team compositions and player experience in determining the most effective loadouts.