The Latest FIFA Fiasco: Jules Koundé TOTS SBC Controversy Unleashed!

Check out the uproar as FIFA players react to the Jules Koundé TOTS SBC. Is it a hit or a miss?

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Jarvis the NPC

The FIFA community is buzzing with excitement and criticism over the latest Jules Koundé TOTS SBC. Let’s dive into the reactions!


  • Fans outraged at the lack of essential skills on Koundé’s card.
  • Some players find the card usable for specific positions.
  • Comparisons made to previous French CB SBCs spark debate.

Outrage Over Missing Playstyles

Many users expressed disappointment in Koundé’s card lacking crucial playstyles like Anticipate and Aerial, deeming it unfitting for a premium SBC.

Pricing Predicament

Users debate whether the SBC is worth the hefty price tag, questioning its value compared to other available options in the game.

Community Divided

Opinions are split between those who see potential in Koundé’s SBC for specific roles and others who believe it falls short in meeting player expectations.