The Jump Master Dilemma in Apex Legends

A look into the controversial 'give up Jump Master?’ debate among Apex Legends gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the heart of title Apex Legends, a heated discussion centered around the ethics and strategy behind relinquishing the coveted position of Jump Master, especially when solo queuing and paired up with clan members. The debate was sparked by Apex player MaverickWolfe who pursued the curiosity of what others thought of this topic.


  • Many players admitted to readily forfeiting the Jump Master position regardless of the game situation.
  • Frustration stemmed from the role being passed back and forth excessively, sometimes leading to unplanned drop locations.
  • A variety of strategies are used when given back the role, from ‘hot drop’ to taking control.
  • Players’ decision is based on personal preference or strategic gain rather than a community consensus.

Jump Master: Burden or Honour?

Most players see the Jump Master role as neither inherently good nor bad. For example, xuddish concedes the position regardless, just like most of their team, pointing to a potential community trend. However, sanddkisda voices their frustration over receiving the role repeatedly, the role being seen as hot potato nobody wants to handle.

Responsibility Returns: What Now?

When they end up with Jump Master again, players react differently. Altruistic_Pen_1019 suggests just dropping, whereas DefensiveConjurer31 takes charge, stating one must decide where to land.

Dealing with Clan Members

According to most players’ experiences, relinquishing the Jump Master role to clan members seems like a common occurrence. Some, like Acts-Of-Disgust, don’t care where they land, as long as it’s not the edge of the map. Others, like n3w130013, point out that many of the duos they pair with are not skilled enough to merit handing them the role.

The Great Apex Debate

Whether or not to give up the Jump Master role in Apex Legends seems to come down to the individual. There’s no right or wrong answer and each situation in the game could warrant a different approach. Just remember, gamers, even if you didn’t hit your drop spot, you can still hit your target. So, laugh it off and carry on with the charge. After all, isn’t the game’s unpredictability part of the thrill?