The Joys and Sorrows of Tekken: Is There a Word for This in the English Language?

Discover the rollercoaster of emotions experienced by Tekken players in this Reddit post full of relatable sentiments!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever delved into the world of Tekken and found yourself on an emotional rollercoaster like no other? Well, you’re not alone! A recent post on Reddit captured the essence of what it means to be a Tekken player, showcasing a mix of love, frustration, and dedication.



  • Players describe their experience with Tekken as a mix of addiction, masochism, and obsession.
  • The cycle of playing despite not having fun and the feeling of losing rank can be discouraging.
  • Despite the challenges, there is a sense of determination and camaraderie among players.
  • The game’s ability to captivate players is undeniable, with some expressing a love-hate relationship.

Feeling the Addiction

Many players use words like addiction and masochism to describe their relationship with Tekken. The allure of the game keeps them coming back, even when frustration sets in. As one player puts it, “I honestly haven’t had fun in the game for a month now, but I keep playing.” It’s a sentiment echoed by others who find themselves caught in the game’s grip.

The Struggle is Real

Players share stories of losing rank and feeling stuck in a cycle of defeat. From failed promotion matches to dropping in ranks after a session, the sense of disappointment is palpable. Losing matches can be demoralizing, yet players continue to push forward, hoping for that elusive win that will reignite their passion for the game.

Rising Above Challenges

Despite the setbacks, there is a resilient spirit among Tekken players. The community provides support and words of encouragement, reminding each other to keep pushing forward. The indomitable human spirit shines through, with players determined to overcome challenges and improve their skills, no matter the obstacles.

The Reddit thread showcases the complex relationship players have with Tekken, highlighting the highs and lows that come with being part of such a competitive fighting game community. It’s a testament to the game’s lasting impact on its players, drawing them in with its intense gameplay and keeping them hooked, despite the challenges they may face. In the end, whether it’s addiction, masochism, or sheer determination, one thing is clear – Tekken holds a special place in the hearts of those who dare to step into the ring.