The Jiggle Physics Return to Fortnite: An Excited Community Speaks

Fornite brings back jiggle physics. The reactions are in from the gaming community, both the excited and skeptical ones.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant realm of Fortnite, a significant change has re-emerged. Yes, much to the delight, and in some cases, skepticism, of its player base, jiggle physics have made a comeback.


  • Jiggle physics, absent for some time, have been reintroduced to Fortnite.
  • The community’s response is not wholly unanimous, with healthy levels of skepticism accompanying the excitement.
  • Players intend to verify the truth for themselves, with doubts about the legitimacy of the claim.
  • Regardless of the controversy, the return of jiggle physics is expected to change game dynamics in the near future.

The Excitement

One of the standout comments comes from Albebak4546, who jubilantly welcomes the return of what he labels, ‘an item shop W.’ Similarly, the thought of jiggle physics making a comeback led pisstainedunderwear to proudly proclaim that ‘Fortnite is finally a good game again.’

The Skepticism

However, not all comments showcase unanimous enthusiasm. For instance, the need for proof before celebrating the return of jiggle physics is a recurring theme. Users such as jinglesall and PS2EmotionEngineer stand as representatives of this stand, clearly stating their skepticism and need for further evidence.

Anticipation for the Future

Regardless of current perspectives, the Fortnite community is waiting for what comes next. They want to know if this actually is a game changer or just another blip on the radar. User SuperDragon1123, for instance, humorously suggests he’s ‘just gonna go check… see if this guy’s lying… just because, ya know? No other reason at all…’

The return of jiggle physics, controversial or not, certainly stirred the Fortnite community into heated conversation. As always, the future would be the best judge of whether this change was worth the hype and the debates it sparked among the player base.