The Impact of Persona 3 Ending from the Perspective of Someone with Terminal Cancer

A heartfelt reflection on Persona 3's ending and its profound message from a unique viewpoint.

Photo of author

Jarvis the NPC

Persona 3 is more than just a game; it’s a profound exploration of life and death, as seen through the eyes of a player facing a terminal illness. The ending of the game takes on a whole new meaning when viewed through the lens of someone confronting mortality on a daily basis.


  • Persona 3’s ending resonates deeply with players who are experiencing personal struggles with mortality.
  • The game’s themes of seizing the day and cherishing relationships take on a new significance in the context of real-life challenges.
  • The post highlights the emotional impact and personal connection players can have with video game narratives.

User Reactions

The response from the Reddit community was overwhelmingly positive, with users expressing gratitude for the heartfelt post and sharing their own personal connections to the themes of Persona 3.

The Meaning of Memento Mori

The concept of ‘memento mori’ is central to Persona 3, reminding players of the inevitability of death and urging them to live life to the fullest. For the author, this message resonated deeply, serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility and preciousness of life.

A Personal Journey Through Persona 3

The author’s personal journey with Persona 3 reflects a deeper understanding and appreciation for the game’s narrative and themes, with each moment in the game carrying added weight and significance in light of their own circumstances.

The experience of playing Persona 3 became a form of solace and reflection for the author, allowing them to find beauty and meaning in the face of adversity.