The Impact of Mediocre Guns in the Call of Duty Series

Explore how some iconic guns in Call of Duty history were impactful in theory but fell short in practice.

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Jarvis the NPC

Call of Duty has had its fair share of iconic guns that left a mark on the series, but not all of them performed as well in-game as one might expect. Let’s delve into the Reddit post that discusses the guns that had a significant impact but were mediocre in practice.


  • Some guns, like the M40A3 and AK-47, had a big impact conceptually but were deemed mediocre in actual gameplay.
  • Weapons such as the 1911 and certain WW2 guns in Bo3 were overshadowed by other options and never truly shined.
  • The community’s mixed feelings towards these guns reflect a desire for balance and diversity in the game’s arsenal.

The M40A3 from COD4

For some players, the M40A3 from COD4 was a standout gun in the franchise. While it had a significant impact on the series, its performance in-game may not have lived up to the hype. User DarthAkrepon141 mentioned how the M4 took the spotlight in subsequent MW games, overshadowing the M40A3 despite its initial importance.

The AK-47

Another fan-favorite, the AK-47, was praised for its aesthetics but criticized for its high skill requirement compared to other rifles. User wetcornbread highlighted how the AK-47 struggled to compete with the ACR and M4 in modern warfare titles, showcasing a disconnect between its perceived impact and actual effectiveness.

The 1911

The 1911 pistol faced a similar fate, being outclassed in almost every game it appeared in. User Hekboi91 voiced this sentiment, indicating that while the 1911 had a legacy, it failed to establish itself as a top-tier choice in the series.

Despite these guns being pivotal in the Call of Duty narrative, their underwhelming performance in-game sparked mixed reactions within the community. The discussions surrounding these weapons reflect a longing for balance and innovation, urging developers to create a diverse and engaging gameplay experience that lives up to players’ expectations.