The Impact of Looks on Popularity – League of Legends

How much do looks influence champion popularity in League of Legends? Dive into the debate on aesthetics vs. mechanics!

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends is a game where popularity often hinges on a champion’s appearance as well as their gameplay. A recent Reddit post by user ‘meloneee’ delves into the intriguing question of whether popular champions would be less favored if they were visually unappealing.


  • The visuals of champions play a significant role in their popularity.
  • Players tend to gravitate towards aesthetically pleasing champions.
  • Champions with unique or appealing designs often have higher play rates.

Insights from Comments

Some players believe that if Lux, for example, had a less attractive appearance, her pick rate might decrease. User ‘makesyoufeeldirty’ points out that champions like Ezreal, Lux, and Miss Fortune receive more skins due to their appealing visuals, while less visually appealing champions like Urgot do not.

In contrast, user ‘OmegaAce1’ mentions the case of Aatrox, who had a large fan base despite having subpar gameplay due to his appealing thematic design.

User ‘Oreo-and-Fly’ highlights that many players base their champion choices on aesthetics, leading to less popular fat or ugly champions.

Fanbase Preferences

Many fans prefer champions with conventional attractiveness, as noted by ‘Oreo-and-Fly,’ who implies that the ‘cater to China’ strategy based on appealing aesthetics is supported by player preferences.

User ‘Asa10172003’ brings up Zilean as an example of a champion with a fun kit but unattractive appearance, suggesting that a cuter redesign could increase his popularity.

‘sweetsalts’ echoes this sentiment by indicating that a transformation of Vel’Koz’s appearance to that of more popular champions like Seraphine or Lux could significantly boost his play rate.

With a majority of players considering champion aesthetics as a crucial factor in their choices, the debate on the impact of looks on popularity in League of Legends remains fervent and ongoing.