The Identity Crisis of Eclipse in League of Legends: What Game Changers Believe

Delve deeper into League of Legends discussion about the identity and role of Eclipse item through the eyes of skillful gamers.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends is home to a plethora of items, each carrying unique attributes to turn virtual battles in one’s favor. Today, we’re diving deep into discussions centered around the Eclipse item within the game, a hot topic of debate within the gaming community. Post creator ‘max1mum’ questions the identity of Eclipse in the current game meta.


  • The renowned Eclipse item in LoL has come under scrutiny as it no longer provides Lethality or % armor penetration.
  • Despite endowing 70 AD, 15 AH, and a weak Divine passive attribute, the item’s purchase rate among certain classes of champions, such as assassins and ADC’s, is considerably low.
  • This iniciates a curious query about the perceived utility of Eclipse for different champion classes.

Gamer Opinions

A number of insightful comments have been made about Eclipse’s real value and its intended users. CrystalizedSeraphine advised, ‘Fighters like Kled and Fiora that wants big AD numbers.’ There is a common belief that Eclipse is a go-to pick for champions in need of big AD numbers, as opposed to a round of defensive attributes.

Embracing Small Trades

Others such as Mundane_contents chipped in with ‘Big AD stick. Promoting small trades often.’ suggesting the Eclipse encourages frequent small-scale player confrontations. Perhaps, this recurring burst of engagement takes this item beyond its static attribute list and brings dynamism into the gameplay.

Critical Insight

Offering another poignant insight, Minimonium stated, ‘It’s stupidly strong on fighters. People sleep on it but it’s part of the new exodia build – Sundered Sky into Eclipse since both share CD so you can have them on a 4s cd which is insane.’ While the Eclipse may not be a popular pick for all, the underdog status of the item among mainstream favorites allows for surprises and unique strategies to bob up.

In this world where champions are constantly juggling between AD and defense, perhaps an item like Eclipse stirs the pot introducing an element of surprise. It might not be the conventional choice, but the tide of a battle is rarely turned by the conventional. The beauty of games such as League of Legends lies in their diversity and so, whether it’s a Killer Kled, a Fiery Fiora, or a Deviant Divine passive holder who makes the most of The Eclipse, only time or some more in-depth discussions can tell.