The Ice Witch Dilemma: League of Legends Lissandra Struggles Against Zed

Explore why Lissandra's matchup against Zed continues to be a struggle in League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends players discuss Lissandra’s struggles against Zed and Kat, questioning the state of the icy champion.


  • Lissandra’s historical advantage against Zed seems to have dwindled over time.
  • Players express frustration with Lissandra’s current state, citing item changes and meta shifts as contributing factors.
  • The community debates the nuances of the matchup and the skill level required to play both champions effectively.

Lissandra’s Struggles

Many players lament Lissandra’s decline in effectiveness, attributing it to recent item changes and meta shifts. They call for adjustments to her kit to better suit the current game environment.

Zed’s Dominance

Some users argue that Zed has always had the upper hand against Lissandra due to range advantage and poke potential. They highlight the importance of player skill in determining the outcome of the matchup.

Community Perception

Opinions on Lissandra’s viability vary, with some players advocating for buffs to make her more competitive, while others suggest alternative picks like Fiddlesticks.