The Hilarious World of Final Fantasy Cups – Are They Trash or Treasure?

Discover the surprising popularity of Final Fantasy cups and the hilarious opinions they spark among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to dive into the quirky world of Final Fantasy cups? Well, buckle up, because we’re about to uncover the unexpected popularity and divisive opinions surrounding these unique items!


  • Opinions on Final Fantasy cups range from nostalgic appreciation to outright mockery.
  • Fans are divided over the details on the cups, such as character designs and subtle references.
  • Some see the cups as priceless collector’s items, while others suggest recycling them.

Exploring the Vaporwave Aesthetic

Apparently, some fans find the design of the cups to be ridiculously vaporwave, warning against washing them for fear of losing the aesthetic.

Cute Couple or Awkward Pairing?

Debates have sparked over the portrayal of Cloud and Aerith on these cups—while some find them adorable holding hands, others question why Cloud seems to be holding nothing at all.

The 90s Nostalgia Kick

Many users have pointed out the nostalgic ’90s vibe exuded by the Final Fantasy cups, appreciating the throwback aesthetic they offer.

Yet amidst the amusement and debate swirling around these cups, one thing remains clear—Final Fantasy fans sure know how to have a good laugh!