The Hilarious Havoc of Apex Legends Support Choices

The wrong support in Apex Legends can lead to chaos! Find out why players are laughing or raging over team picks.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends has its fair share of chaos, especially when players pick the wrong support. A Reddit post diving into the consequences of support choices has sparked a mix of laughter and frustration among the community.


  • Players are divided on the impact of support choices in the game.
  • Newcastle and Lifeline combo is seen as overpowered in certain situations.
  • The ‘three strikes’ mode adds a unique twist to the gameplay.

Insane Combos

Some users, like JamG22__, find combos like Newcastle and Lifeline to be unstoppable forces of nature, racking up kills effortlessly. They believe that certain duo combinations break the balance of the game, leading to frustration among other players.

Rage Against the Meta

On the flip side, players like Kantalope87 express their frustration when these powerful combos dictate the outcome of matches. They feel that the intense focus on specific support choices takes away from the competitive spirit of the game.

Mixed Reactions

Despite the controversies, there are players like NeatCaptain5464 who thrive on the tension created by formidable support combinations. The adrenaline rush of facing off against such powerful teams keeps them engaged and adds to the thrill of the game.

The Apex Legends community is a melting pot of emotions ranging from amusement to agitation, showcasing the diverse perspectives that shape the gaming experience.